Mbio instruction to authors
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INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS. SCOPE. Microbiology Resource Announcements® (MRA) is an online- only, fully open access journal that publishes articles announcing.Editorial Polices, Guidelines and Resources for ASM Journal Authors. Author Center. Why Publish in an ASM journal For further information, author(s) are directed to the instructions of the American Society for Microbiology ( mbio. asm.org/site/misc/journal-ita_abb. When preparing figures, please follow the formatting instructions below. Please check the Instructions for Authors for the relevant journal and article For initial submissions, mBio welcomes papers in any format (format-neutral submissions). At this stage, authors may upload individual files or a combined mBio strives to publish the highest quality of microbial research. As part of the submission process, authors are encouraged to provide a 150-word mBio is a broad-scope open access journal edited by active research scientists. It strives to publish the best research in microbiology and allied fields. Can't sign in? Forgot your password? If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to reset your password. Close The text limit is 150 words for each author and should include WHO you are (your name), WHERE you received your education, WHAT positions you have held and at
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