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flair-2.3-0b 30-Jul-2021 Online, browsable manual · Fluka manual in PDF format This manual is a reference tool for preparing input for the FLUKA flair is an advanced user friendly interface for several Monte Carlo codes. Originally it was developed for FLUKA, where its unique features strongly Access to FLUKA manual as hyper text. • Checking for updates and validating the FLUKA and flair. installation (ToDo). • Nuclear wallet cards. Pressing F1 within Flair opens the FLUKA manual to the entry corresponding to the currently selected card. Flair quick-start: Flair.pdfAccess to FLUKA manual as hyper text. 0 Checking for release updates of FLUKA and flair. 0 Nuclear wallet cards. 0 Library of materials. fluka2011.manual (no figures). Tk interface accessible through FLAIR or from command line /usr/local/bin/fm. (HTML version is available on FLUKA website)
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